tags 972445 + wontfix

On Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 07:18:13PM +0000, Norwid Behrnd wrote:
> Expected solution: the installation of package mysql-server should
> skip the installation of these four libraries.

Debian generally configures packages to support every feature shipped in
Debian that is supported by that upstream. Where that results in a
dynamic link, it results in a dependency on that shared library. This is
by design.

In this case then, linking libmecab2 and the resulting dependency is
intentional in the design of Debian and of this package. If you want
different build-time configurations to reduce disk space usage, you
should probably use a source-based distribution rather than a binary
distribution like Debian, or modify Debian to suit your needs.

libmecab2 itself is only 1774k. You can use --no-install-recommends to
avoid pulling in mecab-ipadic-utf8 and its chain of dependencies which
is more considerable in size, though if you do that then you will need
to deal with any missing functionality yourself. See the apt
documentation for details on how "Recommends" works.

I'm marking this wontfix since we have no plans to remove mecab from the
build configuration. If you have a more specific suggestion then you're
welcome to propose it and we can consider it.

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