Hi Ryutaroh,

On 11/18/20 5:45 AM, Ryutaroh Matsumoto wrote:
> I made the attached patch against the latest upstream git source
> as attached. I also add "patch" tag to this bts.
> As far as I tested, the patch seems working well.
> I also added bind-mount of /proc and /dev/pts as recent version of
> grub seems to use them.

It's great to see progress with vmdb2 getting support for more
architectures, thank you for looking into this!

I haven't tested this version yet, but looking at the patch, I'd like to
two (minor) observations:

  * You could enhance the new "arch" field of the grub plugin by not
    defaulting to amd64, but to the native host architecture. You can
    get this using

        subprocess.check_call(['dpkg', '--print-architecture'])

  * Instead of the generic Exception, you could raise
    NotImplementedException when an unsupported architecture is

By the way, it would be really nice to eventually have example commands
for creating images in the documentation somewhere. Perhaps Lars is open
to extending README.md, or the manual, with some examples for other


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