Hi Christian, thanks again for your attention.

>   * You could enhance the new "arch" field of the grub plugin by not
>     defaulting to amd64, but to the native host architecture. You can
>     get this using
>         subprocess.check_call(['dpkg', '--print-architecture'])

Thank you. I thought it would break backward compatibility of vmdb2,
specifically, if vmdb2 is run on some host architecture not being amd64,
the above code will behave differently from vmdb2  0.19...

>   * Instead of the generic Exception, you could raise
>     NotImplementedException when an unsupported architecture is
>     encountered

Thanks again. I did not know that. I will use it in a similar context...

By the way, I think I identified what are required for vmdb2 to build
a bootable ppc64el qemu autopkg testbed. I think I succeeded to
build a ppc64el testbed as written at

>From that experience, the requirements for ppc64el partitioning look as 

(1) Create 1st GPT partition of size about 8 MB and  set PReP flag to it by
parted -- /dev/loop0 mklabel gpt mkpart ESP fat32 0% 9MiB set 1 prep on
(2) Fill the first GPT partition by zero, e.g. dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/loop0p1
(3) apt-get --install-recommends install grub-ieee1275; apt-get purge os-prober
(4) chroot grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
(5) chroot grub-install --target=powerpc-ieee1275 --no-nvram --no-floppy \
     --modules="part_msdos part_gpt" --grub-mkdevicemap=/boot/grub/device.map \

The strange point is that we have to give /dev/loop0p1 to grub-install.
For other architectures, /dev/loop0 is fine.

The above (5) is already observed 1.5 years ago at

Incorporating the above changes to the current vmdb2 seems to
require significant design change. So I refrain from suggesting a patch
to vmdb2. Such a significant design decision should be done by
the upstream author, IMHO.

Best regards, Ryutaroh

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