
I could took a few minute to try to understand this issue.

According to the Debian wiki about AppStream [1], Gnome Software indeed uses AppStream to find Debian packages. The next chapter [2] explains what should be done, and I have spotted to issues with FreeCAD: - the .metainfo file should be part of the freecad package, not freecad-common - the .metainfo file should be placed in /usr/share/metainfo/ and not /usr/share/freecad/share/metainfo - the .metainfo file should be part of the same package as the .desktop file, so the .desktop file should be moved from freecad-common to freecad

As I told, my understanding of this topic is very basic, so I might be wrong.


1. https://wiki.debian.org/AppStream/Guidelines#Finding_information
2. https://wiki.debian.org/AppStream/Guidelines#General

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