On Wed, Apr 07, 2021 at 04:42:21PM +0530, Nilesh Patra wrote:
> I did a bit of debugging on this, and it looks like for this case, the
> culprit is yaml instead.

> * Now, I have the metadata.yml - I just wrote a snippet of code to check the
>  behaviour of gemspec w.r.t metadata file
>  Here it is:
> ```
> require 'yaml'
> gemspec = YAML.load_file('metadata.yml')
> File.open('out', 'w') do |f|
>       f.puts(gemspec.to_ruby)
> end
> ```

For the context: I've used this snippet because similar code has been
used in gem2deb codebase to generate gemspec (hope it makes sense and is 


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