>>>>> "Gabor" == Gabor FUNK
>>>>> "syslog-ng: Inappropriately expects \n (and \0?) in syslog messages"
>>>>>  Wed, 19 Apr 2006 22:16:57 +0200

    Gabor> I just did an upgrade (testing), perl got version 5.8.8-4,
    Gabor> and this problem disappeared [with syslog-ng +
    Gabor> mailscanner].

    Gabor> John, Can you confirm if this fixed your problem with
    Gabor> postfix too, so we can close this "bug"?

syslog-ng 1.9.9-2 using unix-stream with perl 5.8.8-4 handles log
messages from libmail-spf-query-perl 1.999.1-1 properly for me with
postfix 2.2.10-1.

I had been using unix-dgram as a work-around.  I should think this bug
could be closed now.

Thank you for reverting the offending change and for letting me know.


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