Source: libalgorithm-checkdigits-perl
Version: 0.50-1.1


It seems that libalgorithm-checkdigits-perl is not very well maintained

Last maintainer upload of the package happened in 2009. Since then many
upstream releases have happened, adding new features and, most
importantly, fixing bugs. Even the major version has changed, from 0.50
to 1.3.5. Last NMU happened in January 2021 (no-change rebuild).

There are two Severity: normal bugs for this package. Both are open
since 2020 and have no response from the maintainer.

>From the QA perspective, there are 20 lintian warnings. Most of them
concern outdated packaging practices, for example, deprecated debhelper
compat level 5, missing debian/source/format and the like.

I believe the package fulfills conservative package salvaging criteria
as per [1]. Formally speaking, there are bugs, missing upstream
releases, QA work AND upload(s) are needed to deal with these issues AND
there is no visible activity for over 10 years except for single
no-change NMU.

I propose moving libalgorithm-checkdigits-perl under pkg-perl umbrella.
I am volunteering to co-maintain the package.



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