On Sun, 2021-06-27 at 16:50 +0200, Ludovic Rousseau wrote:
> What is the output of the commmand:
> cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/pcscd.conffiles


Not sure where dpkg keeps actually track of it's (obsolete) conffiles,
I think it's in:
/var/lib/dpkg/status: /etc/reader.conf.d/0comments 
5ca480422c33bfe1fdcf7299289a12c9 obsolete

> The "remove-on-upgrade" flag as documented in remove-on-upgrade(5)
> may be a better option.

Probably. Maybe this simply creates a dpkg-maintscript-helper line in
the maintainer scripts.

> My problem is that the file has been removed from the pcscd package
> 10 years ago.
> So it will be time consuming (on my side) to check the fix is
> working. I will need to install a Debian distribution from 10 years
> ago (Debian 5.0 Etch) and upgrade it up to the next-Bullseye Debian
> 12 stable (that should be available in 2-3 years).

Hmm I don't think this is really necessary... or do you see any big
dangers in "blindly" removing an obsolete conffile, that was anyway
just a README file?

> Can't you just erase the file from your system?

Well I for my self have already cleaned it up manually... but how many
tens of thousands Debian installations are out there which will have
such legacy cruft lingering around forever?

Therefore I think it's always good practise to properly clean that up
for the benefit of everyone.


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