Hello Bastian,

> Please consider relicensing debian/* or at least debian/patches/* 

I've relicensed to BSD-3, in order to match upstream license.

> Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen's copyright is missing.

I guess you are referencing classic VTK's copyright. F3D's copyright is
"Kitware, SAS" according to source code and official website, without
any link to VTK's copyright.

> src/cxxopts.hpp: Expat license is missing.

Added to the copyright file, and I've opened an upstream bug:

> d/f3d.1
> =======
> Please describe the options in the man page.

Man page updated.

> You should prefer using the not-installed file for this use case.

The not-installed file seems to avoid trigger dh_missing error, which
is not what I need here. I haven't figured out how exclude files during
the CMake install target (--exclude has no effect), so I've added an
"rm" command in the rules file. If there is a better way, please

> I suggest to have the package in Salsa's debian namespace so that
> others 
> can contribute easily. If you agree I can create that and grant you 
> maintainer rights for it.

Yes! Please create the debian repository and grant me right to maintain

Thanks a lot for this review, the new package is available on mentors.


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