Sudip Mukherjee <> wrote:
> iiuc, getmail6 is not a "hostile fork".

It is; I could explain it, but I already have.  Quoting from the getmail 

   Why do I say it's a "hostile" fork? Because I have communicated with the
   maintainer and indicated I would be thrilled to accept their changes
   bringing Python 3 compatibility, as long as they were in reviewable
   condition, so that I could be sure I wasn't introducing bugs into getmail
   when I merged their changes.
   That maintainer has shown precisely zero interest in submitting his changes
   for me to merge into getmail; he literally ignores every question/request I
   have made on the subject.

> getmail6 is a Python3 based fork which all the distros had to package
> because you have declined to support Python3.

Please do not put words into my mouth.  I have never - not one single time -
said anything to suggest I would, will, or do refuse to support Python 3.  In
fact, I have said exactly the opposite countless times.  In case there is any
doubt: there will be a Python 3 version of getmail.

> Roland has offered to send you ( I think already sent you) patches.

That would be another misunderstanding, then.  He has never sent me any patch,
much less anything reviewable.  All I want is a simple, self-contained series
of patches that change things in a way that is reviewable - you know, the
standard way to submit patches, like the Linux kernel workflow and countless

A single diff that just runs getmail through the 2to3 tool and then hacks on
fixes until it runs will touch virtually every line in the code.  That would
be completely unreviewable, and nobody would expect that to be a workable way
of submitting changes - but that's immaterial, as he hasn't even done that.

> If I rename the package then I will need to add another transitional
> package linking getmail6 with the new package which will not do
> anything to help your problem.

On the contrary -- it will help me *in future*.  Please do rename the package
and executable.

> Renaming the executable is not possible as that will break lots of
> user's scripts.

Just have apt-listchanges tell people to change their scripts or crontabs from
"getmail" to "wonderfulmailpuller" or whatever.  I see these sorts of
announcements regularly when I upgrade Debian packages, and particularly when
updating a major version.

You are removing getmail and installing a different package - you do this sort
of thing all the time.  It's a trivial fix, and I would argue it's *less*
disruptive to users, because then at least people will be able to find the
correct place to get support, rather than searching "getmail" and finding
nothing related to their problem at all (because the bug isn't in getmail, and
whereupon they then contact me).

> And if the executables need to be renamed then that needs to be done from
> upstream so that it is consistent in all other distros and pypi. Please
> discuss that with Roland, the getmail6 upstream maintainer.

As I have said, he obstinately refuses any name change, claiming equal rights
to the name I have built up for 23 years.

I'm really disappointed that Debian - or this package maintainer - doesn't
give a damn about doing the right, ethical thing here.

Charles Cazabon                      <>
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