Thanks very much for getting back to me and being open to discussing the
labelling for this Debian package.

> I considered naming this package "opendoas" but thought that users might
> not realize that that a version of doas is packaged under that name.
I can see why you'd take that approach. It's easier to find. I even
found it by accident when checking for the other version of doas on
Debian. So you're right, it's very easy to locate the Debian doas
package. :)

My main concern with the current naming convention is that calling
OpenDoas "doas" means upstream slicer69/doas receives bug reports
intended for OpenDoas. This causes some confusion on the part of the
users and means the OpenDoas project isn't always getting the feedback
from users. That's something I'd like to improve upon if possible. I'm
open to various ways of doing that.
> I have also considered packaging Slicer69's doas but at the end decided
> not to package it because it does not support the persist feature which 
> I think is a very important feature.

Some people do desire the "persist" function, so that makes sense.
Though I have some security-related concerns with the OpenDoas persist
feature. Putting that aside for a moment, people who want persistent
doas access can use "doas -s" on the slicer69/doas port, it's the
equivalent of "sudo -i".

> Maybe the best way to handle this would be to package both versions and
> make it very clear that only opendoas has persistence.
I like this approach of having both versions of doas packaged. I'd
definitely support this. My preference here would be to have OpenDoas
packaged as "opendoas" and slicer69/doas packaged as "doas". However, I
think a working alternative would be to call slicer69/doas something
descriptive (rather than using the upstream account name). Something
like "doas-portable" or "doas-universal" since it runs on virtually
every Unix-like platform, including the BSDs, Solaris, ilumos, macOS,
Linux, etc.

Please let me know your thoughts on these ideas and what your plan is
for the doas package(s).

- Jesse

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