Control: block 981577 with 981587

I've looked into #981577 a bit more, and i have more thoughts on the
fixes i'd proposed earlier:

On Mon 2021-02-01 12:51:12 -0500, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:

>  - Bitstream Vera Mono could implement monospaced glyphs for the unicode
>    box drawing characters

Upstream appears to be dead, and the trademark arrangement for Bitstream
Vera appears to prohibit a modified font being distributed under the
same name without upstream approval.

So, I don't think this is a possible fix.  It looks to me like
distributing Vera as "Bitstream Vera" is problematic for the archive in
this way.

>  - fontconfig could prefer more complete fonts when searching for a
>    match, which would prioritize dejavu sans (or some other more
>    complete font) over bitstream vera
>  - fontconfig could manually prefer DejaVu Sans Mono over Bitstream Vera
>    Mono when given the search string "monospace"

Either of these approaches point to so
i'm marking this bug as being blocked on that one.

>  - chromium, when substituting missing glyphs in a monospace font, could
>    ensure that the substitute glyphs are appropriately sized for the
>    font they are filling in for.
>  - chromium could hardcode (and depend on?) a preferred monospace font
>    by default that is more complete than Bistream Vera as its default
>    monospace font

I don't know how to get chromium to do either of these fixes.  I'd
expect that chromium should just rely on fontconfig directly, but i
don't know for sure that this is the case.

>  - We could drop ttf-bitstream-vera from the archive, which would affect
>    packages like python-matplotlib-data, gravit-data, and the ~20 other
>    packages that Depend on ttf-bitstream-vera directly.  I can't afford
>    to just purge the package from my system because i need matplotlib :(

the list is smaller now than it used to be but it's not empty:

  Depends: freewheeling
  Depends: gearhead2-data
  Depends: gravit-data
  Depends: k3d-data (>= 1.10)
  Depends: libmupen64plus2
  Depends: libncarg0
  Depends: libprojectm3
  Depends: loganalyzer
  Depends: openmsx-data
  Depends: python3-django-captcha
  Depends: r-cran-fontbitstreamvera
  Depends: setbfree
  Recommends: librrd8
  Recommends: mysql-workbench
  Recommends: python3-freetype
  Recommends: vdr
  Suggests: python3-pygments

I could file bug reports against each of these packages asking them to
change their dependency from ttf-bitstream-vera to fonts-dejavu-core, or
at least depend on "fonts-dejavu-core | ttf-bitstream-vera"

That would make it easier to drop ttf-bitstream-vera from the archive in
the future, but of course there are still documents out there that refer
to ttf-bitstream-vera explicitly.  It seems likely that users will want
to have the package directly installed (or even pull it from an old
archive if we drop it in the new one).  If it's installed (even from
outside the archive), then the same problem comes up, so this doesn't
seem like a particularly robust fix.

Furthermore, ttf-bitstream-vera (probably due to its weak character
coverage) is only 600KiB, while fonts-dejavu-core is nearly 3MiB.  This
suggests that a minimalist debian system with limited character
requirements is likely to want to use Bitstream Vera just due to size

Probably, debian will be obliged to distribute ttf-bitstream-vera in its
current unchanged form indefinitely :/

>  - fonts-dejavu-core (or fonts-dejavu-extra?) could Provide:
>    ttf-bitstream-vera, since it appears to provide aliases for Bitstream
>    Vera in e.g. /etc/fonts/conf.avail/57-dejavu-sans-mono.conf -- i
>    don't know whether this is sufficient for all the explicit
>    Dependencies of ttf-bitstream-vera, though.

This doesn't seem to be sufficient for all users of fonts.  I tested it
with Libreoffice.  When i have an .odt file with a stylesheet that
references "Bitstream Vera Sans", libreoffice renders the text from
DejaVu Sans, but it indicates in its font dropdown box that Bitstream
Vera Sans is not installed: the font name shows up in the dropdown box
in italics, the way that other missing fonts appear.

Given the above analysis, i think this problem will need to be fixed in
fontconfig, maybe by fixing #981587.


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