Dear Reuben,

I initially started to reply already yesterday afternoon, immediately
after I saw your mail. But if I'd have sent that text yesterday, it
would have been a much more unfriendly e-mail.

Reuben Thomas wrote:
> I offer to become co-maintainer of this package. I am the upstream author,
> and a Debian Maintainer. The package fulfils the criteria for the ITS
> process; in particular, it has seen no activity in the past 6
> months.

I object, this is not true. I reacted on your last mail about a week ago
within less than two hours:

> Also, there is a bug announcing a major missing upstream version
> that is 11 months old.

This is true, though. As mentioned in my previous mail, I was happy
about your reminder.

Unfortunately there were some blockers (for me) like

* the changed SSH host key on (got the new one, thanks
  Rhonda), as well as

* the fact that I had to figure out which of my (older) SSH key worked
  there (found in the end).

* I didn't want to clone over the unencrypted legacy git:// protocol.

* Additionally the new project creation form seems
  buggy currently as it resets parts of the form when entering other
  parts of the form. In the end I was able to circument this bug by
  editing the website in the browser's web developer mode. (And I
  even more didn't want Salsa to clone over the unencrypted legacy
  git:// protocol.)

(So yes, we also move the packaging git repo to Salsa in the course of
reviving the packaging of the previously upstream-dormant mmv.
Suggested by Rhonda and wanted by myself anyways.)

> See bug #985325 for my debdiffs for the package, and
> for updated Debian
> packaging.

I'm not happy with that subpar packaging in that debdiff:

* Still outdated standards version. (Current is 4.6.0.)
* dh on compat-level 12 instead of current 13.
* Still has the debian/compat file.
* Doesn't mention changes to debian/control in debian/changelog except
  Standards-Version, especially does not mention the changes to
  Build-Depends or Vcs-*.
* Still has the lintian override no-homepage-field despite it has now
  a homepage (but it is not declared).

Same counts for that branch on Github:

* All (packaging) changes in a single commit is bad git style. I would
  at _least_ expect a differentiation between the previous packaging
  and your additions.

Expect an mmv upload by myself in the next few hours. I'll try to
incorporate some of your changes, but no promises. Since you didn't
make separate commits, cherry-picking is not possible anyways.

If you still want to become co-maintainer of the package, please tell
us ( or your

The git repo for the packaging is now at

                Regards, Axel
 ,''`.  |  Axel Beckert <>,
: :' :  |  Debian Developer, Admin
`. `'   |  4096R: 2517 B724 C5F6 CA99 5329  6E61 2FF9 CD59 6126 16B5
  `-    |  1024D: F067 EA27 26B9 C3FC 1486  202E C09E 1D89 9593 0EDE

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