Hi Andreas,

Thanks for prompt action.

On 2022-05-04 18:25, Andreas Tille wrote:
>> I propose adding
>> hmmer and prodigal as dependencies of busco.
> Adding these is easy.  Would you mind adding either this fna file (or
> some similar example) to the test suite enabling us to test that package
> properly in autopkgtest?

Adding these surely are easy - thanks for doing so. Some maintainers
prefer keeping nonessential dependencies as Recommends or Suggests and
since this is my first encounter with busco I cannot say much about it.

As for autopkgtest, busco has fna files under test_data/. Bit more
problematic is that busco needs some data from BUSCO database [1] to
calculate genome coverage. These could be downloaded and stored
somewhere under debian/ for autopkgtest purpose, but I cannot find the
licensing information.

> (And feel free to do a team upload if you are in that mood.)

Sure, I can upload if we decide that autopkgtest could wait.

[1] https://busco-data.ezlab.org/v5/data/lineages/


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