Hello Giorgio,

Am 01.09.22 um 11:07 schrieb Giorgio Volpe:
Further investigation (more disparate)...

I've tried to launch TB vers. 102 .1.2 from an upstream binary, on a remote machine debian stable, but from a client with a testing debian (in a ssh terminal with X tunneling enabled).
It works!
So it seems it's not a problem related to X.

I' ve all people blocked for this problem! Using webmail ...

I currently tend to think there is something fishy within your system, maybe something miss configured or package version mixed up, you've written about some external included sources.

It's quite impossible to debug anything from a remote side as your local system is like a black box for others as there is nothing really known except the information you are using XFCE on a sid system. There is no knowledge about used versions of the various packages.

Some side note about the pre-compiled upstream TB versions, they come with all required libraries included, so it's not really something special that these versions are "really" working. But these versions can help to analyze if some internal functions might be broken in Debian as we use different application configuration than upstream.

The menu Help provides some entries which can be used to get more information about the current profile and processes and used modules. Compare the output.

In most cases the JS console helps to find out what missing or not fully working.

Some kind of last resort is to prepare a new system on the same hardware! to see if this is also not working, than some hardware damage as reason for the malfunction is possible. It's quite unlikely that you are hitting by some serious bug in Thunderbird regarding X or wayland! There would be a lot more of bug reports.


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