Ok, setting the keyboard layout to US makes <enter> working again. Here 3x 

$ setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout us
$ openscad --debug=scintillaeditor
scintillaeditor:   KeyPress - modifiers: SHIFT ctrl alt meta keypad group
scintillaeditor: KeyRelease - modifiers: SHIFT ctrl alt meta keypad group
scintillaeditor: KeyRelease - modifiers: shift ctrl alt meta keypad group
scintillaeditor:   KeyPress - modifiers: SHIFT ctrl alt meta keypad group
scintillaeditor: KeyRelease - modifiers: SHIFT ctrl alt meta keypad group
scintillaeditor: KeyRelease - modifiers: shift ctrl alt meta keypad group
scintillaeditor:   KeyPress - modifiers: SHIFT ctrl alt meta keypad group
scintillaeditor: KeyRelease - modifiers: SHIFT ctrl alt meta keypad group
scintillaeditor: KeyRelease - modifiers: shift ctrl alt meta keypad group

Two KeyRelase for one KeyPress is a bit strange.

> 2. See if you can reproduce the problem with the Qt example program
> "codeeditor", as in the Qt bug. It is available from package
> qtbase5-examples as
> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/examples/widgets/widgets/codeeditor/codeeditor

No, here the <enter>-key works as expected.

> 3. It would be interesting to try to downgrade Qt to some 5.15.4 version and
> see if that solves the problem. However, I'm not sure how feasible that is,
> the dependencies around Qt are probably quite complex. The bug also mentions
> that reverting patch from QTBUG-49771 fixes their issue, but again I'm not
> sure how easy it would be to get a rebuilt Qt with that patch reverted to
> test with.
This is a thing most likely to solve the problem, 'cause the update I dis on 
5th November replaced QT 5.15.4 with 5.15.6. Is there an archive where I can 
get the old version?

> Would be good to determine if the bug QTBUG-95108 could be the root cause.
> If not, I'll try to think of a way to debug what is eating the KeyPress
> events before they get into the openscad Editor event handler code.
>  - Kristian.

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