Garrett Kajmowicz:

The C1) case is something that could be useful for Debian itself.  There are
some tools that want to choose the location of the produced artefacts.  It has
been a low priority wish for me to have this solved "eventually".

I'm using multiple work-arounds for the project I am working on. The C1 work
by itself would still let me tidy some things up and so would be appreciated.

Good to know. I also suspect C1 is easier for us to implement in a short time frame.

For the C2) case, it is not that I cannot see possibilities in it. I am more
whether it outweighs the cost of doing it.

   => If we are going for C2, I would expect that you provide CI test
      cases to ensure the feature does not regress (at least for debhelper
      for the gitlab CI pipeline).  Otherwise, it is going to be a game of

I have little experience with either gitlab or perl. Still, if you provide me a
few pointers I can certainly throw a few hours into developing some CI
tests for this.

It does not have to be perl. A shell script that can setup a test package that is built with dh is sufficient inside gitlab CI is fine.

In case you have experience with GitHub CI, then it is a different syntax but otherwise the same concept. As an example, the current debhelper CI snippet for testing changes is:

  stage: test
  image: debian:unstable
    - apt-get update
    - apt-get build-dep -y .
    - dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -tc

In theory, you would insert snippets in the "script:" part to setup the source package that debhelper is supposed to build (with the features you want to test), create the output directory, mark the source read-only somehow and then cd into followed by dpkg-buildpackage.

This would suffice as a single black box test. Probably we would need a battery of them, so you would wrap it in a script to try different test cases but that can be done in shell or whatever you are comfortable.

   => For C2, You may also have to do patches and tests for dh-autoreconf
      and dh-strip-nondeterminism as they are part of the default dh
      pipeline (and not maintained by me nor Guillem).

I can certainly take a stab at it. The required changes for both of these
appear to be straight-forward:  use the new parameter passed from
above (however architected) as-needed for the paths being processed.

Side note: patching in-place strikes me as ... worrisome.

Actually, come to think of it, The dh-autoreconf tool's purpose is to *replace* (regenerate) the "configure" script from latest sources. So this pretty much implies that the source directory have to be writeable if dh-autoreconf is to do anything.

So as long as it properly no-ops for non-autoconf packages, I think we should be fine here.

One possible solution to this is to have:

   1) dpkg-buildpackage gets two new parameters.  One for the artifact
      output directory and one for the writeable scratch directory.

   2) dpkg-buildpackage would export these directories as environment
      variables for the build process (debian/rules + debhelper).

   3) debhelper (and anything in debian/rules) would pick up these
      environment variables to write to the correct places.

   4) dpkg-buildpackage would pass relevant options to dpkg-genbuildinfo
      and dpkg-genchanges (etc.), so they are aware as well.

Should debuild itself be modified to support passing in these build
Parameters as well?

In theory, yes. But really, all "*-buildpackage"-like wrapper tools should do that.

Though for starters, lets get support in dpkg-buildpackage first and then worry about patching the other tools.

@Guillem: What is your views on this?

Many of the required capabilities are already supported. For example,
the --builddirectory flag allows the building step to be placed in a
different directory.

While there are many options that package can use to tweak locations, they
are not aimed at the thing you are doing.  Notably the dh_* -P option is really
painful to use at scale (if you have multiple binary packages in the same
source package).

Huh. I assumed that these would be automatically use 
directory unless manually overridden.

No, the "builddirectory" is only for the "upstream" build system.


Okay. I'll await his response as well.

Hope that was useful.

It's fantastic.

Thank you!

-     Garrett

Glad you are excited, though keep in mind that there are no guarantees at this point. If (for whatever reason), dpkg cannot/will not support this change, then there is not a lot I can do in debhelper to solve this. (And also, we are volunteers, so we generally do not offer guarantees either even if we can/want to support a feature)


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