> Right, and while I'm happy to entertain the possibility to support something
> like this, it seems a bit like one of those gargantuan projects we might end 
> up
> with. So, I guess I'd also like to understand the motivations, and perhaps
> whether other alternatives are not fulfilling? :)

We're going to be building inside of Docker containers. This allows us to better
verify dependencies as well as to be able to work on multiple different releases

The workflow which has inspired this is a standard developer workflow where a
source code repo is checked out using eg. git clone. Then a repeated cycle of
edit/build/test occurs. Once done, a commit/submit/PR is generated and the
workspace is presumably deleted.

As a part of this, we want to avoid forking build paths for different cases. For
example, if the developer build uses a different build process from the build
process which produces our "official" package builds, it's quite likely that
one or the other will break without someone promptly noticing. Going through
the dpkg tools every time will minimize the forking paths.

Also, we want to ensure that incremental builds are fast. For trivial 
building from scratch every time is fine. For larger repositories the overhead
of a clean build can add substantial overhead on this cycle. So we need to
preserve intermediate build state.

The next issue we're considering is changes made to repository files by the 
process itself. For example, the autoreconf process can change the contents of
the configure script. If that's done in the developer's sandbox, the changes may
easily be picked up in a commit/submit/PR. Likewise for any patches applied by
the dpkg tools. Though "don't do that" is entirely reasonable on a small scale,
especially for issues which may be reverted, part of the practice of engineering
is to prevent the possibility of mistakes occurring in the first place through
engineering controls.

In this case, the approach seems fairly obvious: as a part of running the build 
a Docker container, make sure that the developer's source code repository is
bind-mounted read-only. This way the build process can't inadvertently alter the
developer's sandbox.

I have a work-around to this ticket which allows this process to work. I'm using
rsync to copy the developer's sandbox (preserving timestamps) to a RW build
directory which is preserved across build invocations. This keeps the build
objects for fast rebuilds while ensuring that the developer's sandbox isn't
inadvertently modified.

The down-sides to this include extra I/O and thus time required by rsync 
to determine if each file needs to be copied, (trivially) extra disk space,
and additional tools to be installed in our build Docker image.

Part of this design is based off of some experimental work done with Bazel
which explicitly uses hermetic builds. See:

Though not attempting to achieve hermeticity, out-of-tree builds manage to 
provide a large portion of the benefits while requiring only a small amount of
the work.

The rsync solution is certainly acceptable in the short term, but something
cleaner would be preferred.

> I've not checked very deep on what might be blocking this, or whether there
> might be other difficulties, so do not take the following as extensive.
> > For this to be possible, it would require two "independent" features
> > in the Debian build stack:
> >
> >  C1) Provide a writeable directory for the output artefacts (the
> >      produced .debs, the .changes file etc.)
> >      - This would enable to the parent directory be read-only.
> This would currently be blocked by at least something like #657401, I think
> >  C2) Provide a writeable directory for the build process itself.
> >      - This would enable the source directory itself to be read-only.
> >
> >      => There will be packages that *cannot* support C2 as they only
> >         support "in-source" built (which is probably why we have the
> >         current setup in the first place).
> I think this is partially blocked on something like
> <https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2020/03/msg00085.html>
> , and because several of the currently written files
> are part of the expected interface. :/

My suggestion would be to keep that tree as is, but relative to the
build directory rather then in the source directory. This would 
effectively be namespacing the 2 different directory paths, but
that's not unusual for build systems. Bazel does Magic(tm) to
build in isolated temporary directories.

Automake supports parallel build trees:

Cmake not only supports this:
but goes further to state:
'CMake does support the contrary “in-source build” layout, but such an
approach has no real benefit and is not recommended.'

This is clearly seen as a popular feature of build systems, even if every
wrapped build system can't support it easily.

> The main problem I see there, besides the current pathnames as interfaces,
> is that I don't think this can be universally supported by any package, and as
> such something like dpkg-buildpackage would need to way to know whether
> the package supports this mode, for every and each package (say a field such
> as the R³ marking), and if it that does not get tested per package, then it 
> will
> tend to break. :/
> So I think I'm also currently in the "does it outweigh the cost?"
> pondering phase too.

Yeah. Being a maintainer of critical infrastructure requires a lot of
thoughtful analysis.

> > > Many of the required capabilities are already supported. For
> > > example, the --builddirectory flag allows the building step to be
> > > placed in a different directory.
> >
> > While there are many options that package can use to tweak locations,
> > they are not aimed at the thing you are doing.  Notably the dh_* -P
> > option is really painful to use at scale (if you have multiple binary
> > packages in the same source package).
> Also I'd expect many source packaging (say overrides in debian/rules or even
> debian/rules not using dh or debhelper), ancillary packaging tools (say dh
> extensions) might expect pathnames to be in specific locations.

I agree - this is looking like it's non-trivial. It would require addressing 
assumptions in the underlying tools as well.

> Thanks, I've not yet checked what might be going on, but I'll do and try to 
> fix
> it!


> In any case, sorry, I think the outlook might not be very bright, but as I've 
> said
> at the beginning, I'm happy to still entertain this.

Thank you,

-     Garrett

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