On 2023-01-09 21:13:16 [+0100], Helge Kreutzmann wrote:
> Hello Sebastian,

Hi Helge,

just to correct your previous email, the bug report was/is from Raphaël
Halimi not me. I just pinged you.

> > Interresing. manpages-fr and manpages-de from manpages-l10n in bookworm
> > does not ship $LANG/man1/xz.1.gz but that one in bullseye-bpo does. 
> > This does does not look right.
> It is. The man pages always mirror what is present in the
> distribution. When the translation of the man pages move to xz (from
> manpages-l10n), version build for unstable of manpages-l10n also
> removed the translation. 
> However, the in bullseye-bpo the translation is *not* in xz-utils, and
> hence it is shipped by manpages-l10n.

Oki. That means if I intend to upload xz-utils to Buster with translated
man-pages than I need to check with you first?

> Technically, we treat debian-unstable and debian-backport as if they
> were two different distributions (say arch and fedora). 
> What got lost (and I will investigate this later this week, maybe
> tomorrow) are the correct package relations. I have a vague idea, but
> I will check. And the next upload (including the one to bpo) will have
> the correct ones.

Since "recently" xz provides translated man-pages and sid is not
affected. My understaning is that the bpo version of man-pages gets a
breaks statement against xz. If so that would >= 5.2.7.
Should I reassing the bug to manpages-l10n or do you do it yourself?

> > I could try to upgrade xz in bullseye to a newert version with
> > translated man pages but IMHO the testing and bpo version should remain
> > unchaned. Did I miss something?
> Remove manpages-fr, then continue with the upgrade and after you are
> in bookwork, install manpages-fr again.

Raphaël: ^^

> Sorry for the inconvenience.

No worries, thanks for the quick response.

> Greetings
>         Helge


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