Thanks a lot Faustin

I found an useful description of MDEV-29988 in a comment to one of its 
duplicates, and it matches quite well our application scenario for the database 
connection that cause the memory leak according to 
(prepared statements executed maaany times, string comparisons)

we reproduced the issue on a test machine, and we will try to downgrade to 


Golubchik<> added a 
comment - 2022-11-28 22:20

Yes, <>  was in 10.6.11 too. But 
let's first check the preconditions:

  *   you use prepared statements
  *   you prepare once and then execute many thousands of times before 
deallocating the statement
  *   your statements contains a string comparison with strings in different 
(but compatible) character sets (e.g. utf8 and latin1).

if all that matches your use case you could be affected by 
<> . If you do, then

  *   every execution of such a prepared statements will allocate more memory
  *   all memory will be freed when a statements is deallocated (explicitly or 
when the client disconnects)
  *   time to deallocate a prepared statement is proportional to the number of 
times it was executed

and workarounds could be

  *   deallocate prepared statements more often
  *   rewrite statements to avoid comparing strings in different character sets

or wait for the next release that will have it fixed

On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 13:36:02 +0100 Faustin Lammler <> wrote:
> Hi,
> first of all, thank you all for the excellent (and detailed) report!
> I don't see anything that could be related with Debian packaging of
> MariaDB and so I suggest you check directly upstream.
> I have searched into and the closest report
> that I can come with is I do
> not forward this bug report to it because I am not sure that this is the
> same problem.
> There is also that may give
> some ideas on how to find a workaround until the next release happen.
> Cheers!
> --
> Faustin
> GPG: F652 BCD1 1AA8 8975 F010 48A5 390A 2F27 832A 5C79

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