Hi again,

Cyril Brulebois <k...@debian.org> (2023-03-26):
> I'm happy to have the patches included, and I can definitely live with
> possible temporary regressions (should that happen) that might arise
> from having them.

Pre-upload testing shows that the situation seems unchanged with
2:2.6.1-3~deb12u1: encrypted LVM still OOMK's with otherwise default
options in the installer, when the VM is started with `kvm -m 1G`;
that's fine with `kvm -m 1.2G` so at least it didn't seem to regress
from the previous d-i release, and I've decided to continue d-i preps

Cyril Brulebois (k...@debian.org)            <https://debamax.com/>
D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant

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