On Thu, Apr 27, 2023 at 10:03:00PM +0400, Yadd wrote:
> node-jest-worker has already
>   Breaks: jest (<< 29.1.2~ds1+~cs70.47.21-1~)
> how it is possible to have this issue ?

Breaks prevents both packages from being configured concurrently, so
installing node-jest-worker will cause jest to be deconfigured (and
later removed). However the packages can still be unpacked concurrently.
To avoid concurrent unpacks, one can use Conflicts instead of Breaks,
but this makes upgrades more difficult for apt. Instead, you should add
Replaces: jest (<< ...) to tell apt that during such a concurrent
unpack, node-jest-worker is allowed to "steal" files from jest. This is
detailed in policy section 7.6. Hope it helps.


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