Hello Luca,

On Mon 08 May 2023 at 08:07PM +01, Luca Boccassi wrote:

> The specific difference, for which I think an explicit call out is
> needed, is because these config files are shipped by some packages but
> are not used _by_ them, they are consumed by systemd (or udev, or
> kmod, etc). Specifically, if package A ships a.service, and package B
> overrides it, even if the maintainers of A and B agree, that's still
> not good enough for me, as they are really affecting systemd, which is
> the consumer and the provider of the interface they are using, and
> ultimately the first port of call for bug reports. This is especially
> true for udev.
> So in my latest revision of the patch, the general rule is as
> requested by Russ and as you mention it, but there is an explicit,
> stricter rule to cover this case, which is important to me. Policy
> calls out core component software in many places, such as dpkg, and
> systemd is already mentioned in other parts of the policy, so it did
> not seem too far-fetched to me.

I'm afraid I'm not convinced.  I'd second a patch where systemd is used
as an example of the rule, as I suggested.

Thank you for the additional commit regarding kmod.  It is good to have
been made aware of issue, but let's discuss it in a separate bug after
making this change -- the considerations might be quite different.

On Tue 09 May 2023 at 12:31AM +01, Luca Boccassi wrote:

> On Mon, 08 May 2023 14:14:30 -0700 Russ Allbery <r...@debian.org> wrote:
>> Oh, thank you!  I had completely forgotten that we said something
>> about this under maintainer scripts.
>> That doesn't entirely cover this case (because systemd and udev may
>> not be "that package" in this sense), but it covers much of the
>> general case.
> Would you like me to reword/move the new snippet?

Yes, thank you.  I will review the new version.

Sean Whitton

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