Richard Lewis <> writes:

> On Sun, 23 Jul 2023, 12:34 David Bremner, <> wrote:
>> Did you start from a clean debootstrap here?  Because I don't see where
>> in your second reproducer the addon packages get installed.
> no, i reused the chroot from the "first attempt" reproducer
> A clean recipe, not requiring any 'login' is:
> mkdir -p /tmp/bullseye
> cd /tmp/bullseye
> debootstrap bullseye .
> ln -s /tmp/bullseye /var/lib/machines/bullseye

btw, there is no need to use a symlink here (depends on space in /var I guess)

> systemd-nspawn --machine bullseye apt install emacs elpa-helpful

A smaller set of packages is just emacs and elpa-dash.

> sed -i /bullseye/bookworm/ tmp/bullseye/apt/sources.list

There are a couple of typos here, but I get what you meant. Should be
more like

     sed -i s/bullseye/bookworm/ /var/lib/machines/bullseye/etc/apt/sources.list

> systemd-nspawn --machine bullseye apt update
> systemd-nspawn --machine bullseye apt upgrade

I checked that changing this to full-upgrade does not change anything
> # this all works, including upgrading emacs :)

OK, this downgrades the importance of the crash when upgrading emacs in
a chroot, I agree.

As far as the actual bug with failing to clean up, I ran

% systemd-nspawn --machine bullseye /usr/lib/dh-elpa/helper/remove emacs  dash 

and that cleans up the directory


so the bug is at some other level of the stack. I guess I will have to
look at the log from the upgrade, but I haven't had a chance to do that yet.

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