On Mon, 2006-08-14 at 09:33 +0100, Sam Clegg wrote:
> Well, to be honest, I only switched to gmcs (and therefore 2.0)
> because it seemed to be the default way for nant to build boo.

CLR 2.0 is still far from stable and is not officially supported
upstream, it's work in progress.

Even Mono 1.2 will not contain complete CLR 2.0, just a complete C# 2.0 
compiler, but the Base Class Library is far away from being complete.

Thats why I added the big warning into the mono-gmcs description.

That nant was built using 2.0 is one thing, but building by default
everything for 2.0 is a real problem :) as you can see now with boo...

> I had a bug where nant failed to find gmcs.  If you think its not
> a good time to be switching to 2.0 i'll look at ways of switching
> back or providing 2 version of boo, one built against 1.1 and
> other build againt 2.0.  I suspect that the former will be good
> enough for now.  I'll make sure I can build monodevelop before
> uploading.

Yes please upload -4 build using -t:mono-1.0 ASAP, in the meantime I
upload a new version of monodevelop which build conflicts with -3 and
used -1 at build time (luckily its still in testing btw).

> I'll certainly look into the dh_clideps problem, too.

Mirco 'meebey' Bauer


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