Package: fvwm
Version: 1:2.5.17-1

My configuration contains the following options:

  Style "*" HilightFore white, HilightBack slategrey
  Style "*" Color black/slategrey

Prior to upgrading to 1:2.5.17-1 this title bars had white text for the
currently focused window, black text for all others.

Reverting to 1:2.5.16-2 restores this behaviour.

A small subset of my .fvwm2rc is attached to demonstrate the problem.

DefaultFont lucidasans-10

CursorStyle MENU 2
BorderStyle -- HiddenHandles NoInset

TitleStyle LeftJustified
TitleStyle Solid slategrey -- Flat

Style "*" HilightFore white, HilightBack slategrey
Style "*" Color black/slategrey
Style "*" BorderWidth 3
Style "*" HandleWidth 3

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