Em Qui, 2005-03-10 Ãs 12:57 +0100, Ivo Marino escreveu:
> After a short discussion on the debian-java@lists.debian.org mailing
> list we came to the conclusion that a devhelp-book-java2 package could
> be quite interesting and useful during the Java development process.
> Actually the only alternative are the online Sun Java API specifications[1].
> Thanks in advance for considering such a package package.

I'm quite willing to help provide such a package, but the API
specifications seem to be completely non-free from what I gathered here:


If the debian-java people will help me assemble a tarball with free API
documentation for java, I'll happily add it to the devhelp-books


  [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Gustavo Noronha <http://couve.no-ip.org/~kov/>
 Debian: <http://www.debian.org/>  *  <http://www.debian-br.org/>

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