Em Seg, 2006-10-30 às 12:17 +0100, Fabian Greffrath escreveu:
> Well, to be true, I do not like it. ;)
> I think, each software should only appear once in the menus. I also do
> not like to find OOo Draw in both the 'Office' and the 'Graphics' menu.
> If you want to decide which section is the right one for Gnome Baker, I
> would prefer 'Utilities', because the creation of a file system on
> optical media does not neceserrily belong to 'Multimedia'.
> BTW: What do the HIG tell about this topic?

That's a good question. I'll try to find out the answer. The "Registered
Categories"[1] section of the "Desktop Menu Specification" relates
"DiscBurning" to "AudioVideo". So, Multimedia seems to be "the right
place". But I'll investigate further and register the findings here.

[1] http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html

Best regards,

Goedson Teixeira Paixao    http://mundolivre.wordpress.com/
Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        http://www.jabber.org/

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