> On Thursday 11 January 2007 15:19, Grzegorz Szyszło wrote:
> > Severity: critical

> A simple failure to reboot is not a critical issue, especially not if it
> only happens for one user.

Generally right, but it cause unusable all system for all users on

> > This report is about current (see email date) floppy installation.

> Just to be sure: from which _exact_ location did you download the floppy
> images? Please give the _full_ URL.
> What kernel version does the installer use?

i got this image by torrent, and verified MD5 from this site.
I forgot where from I got floppy install, but it was etch rc1
maked 2006/12/xx (i forgot a day)

> > I make 4 installation etch diskettes. All processess after flopy boot
> > works ok, hard drive is detected properly, partitioning, detect
> > network
> > ok, getting packages from network ok, preparing filesystems and base
> > installs ok. When is time to reboot after base install, i do it.

> OK, so we have a successful installation. Good.

i maked it to now about 6 times :( all the same :(

> > After boot system properly boot kernel and initrd, and .... hang. Last
> > kernel message is detect IDE devices and CD drive. Then system wait
> > for
> > nothing. I can do alt+ctrl+del to reboot, and situation repeat again.

> OK, so there is a problem here. The fact that you can still press
> ctrl-alt-del means that the system is not completely hung. It is more
> probably that it is waiting for a long timeout.

this can wait over 4 hour! it's not good procedure to restore server after

> To help you solve this, we need two things:
> - reinstall the system again using the same method and, after the
>   reboot,

i did it over 6 times.

>   *wait really, really long* (at least 5 minutes) to see if anything
>   more happens;

i waited over 4 hours. server wait for my response all night.

> - give us _all_ and the _exact_ messages that are visible on the monitor
>   when the boot "hangs".

ugh. i must rewrite it by hand :(  I'll do it.

> The reboot problem can almost certainly be solved, but you will have to
> provide us with the information we ask and you will have to be patient.

> The most likely cause of the reboot failure is the issue listed at the
> top
> of http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/errata.

> Cheers,

ok. I'll read it. thanks for help :)
I think it's very strange, that install sarge and next upgrade to etch is

Grzegorz Szyszło
Departament Informatyki
Lublin, tel. (81)532-94-70 , kom. 607-940-478

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