Loïc Minier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>         Hi,
> On Mon, Jul 02, 2007, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
>> attached is a patch for nss-mdns to build a lib32nss-mdns package
>> which ia32-sun-java6-bin needs.  Since the package can be build
>> natively it is highly prefered to do so instead of adding it to the
>> cludge that ia32-libs is.
>  Hmm I don't understand how your patch works, it should result in two
>  binary packages shipping the same files under amd64.

The lib32... is build with -m32. The

build-32/config.status: CFLAGS := -m32 $(CFLAGS)

creates a target local variable CFLAGS with -m32 added and
build-%/config.status then uses that in configure.

>  Anyway, I rewrote the changes differently and took the liberty to
>  install to emul/ia32-linux/lib instead of lib; is this correct?

Ups, wrong patch. Yes, the libs need to go to emul/ia32-linux/lib or
emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib (for /lib and /usr/lib respectively).

I changed the --libexecdir in my patch but aparently forgot to make a
new debdiff. By setting --libexecdir you could install directly into
debian/<package> but your way works just as well.

>  Can you please checkout and build:
>     svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-utopia/packages/experimental/nss-mdns
>    Thanks,

The lib32nss-mdns package has less files in usr/share/doc. Not sure if
it is neccessary to duplicate the READMEs.

Apart from that it looks fine.


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