
On Thursday 27 September 2007 00:42, Michael Prokop wrote:
> As discussed on IRC FAI_CONFIG_SRC is pretty close to FAI_CONFIGDIR.
> I'll check this out in practice and will try to provide according
> documentation then. Thanks for your feedback.

I'm quite often confused by these two variables and 
http://faiwiki.debian.net/index.php/Variables also doesnt shed too much light 
on it. (AIUI the main difference is, that FAI_CONFIGDIR is always a path, 
while FAI_CONFIG_SRC has to be an URL. (And FAI_CONFIGDIR is used to setup 
the server and FAI_CONFIG_SRC is used on the clients.))

Softupdate only needs FAI_CONFIG_SRC, so what the simple examples IMO should 
do, is to set it, so that softupdates of clients (installed with the simples 
examples) instantly work. (That's what I do.)

Another option would be to inherit FAI_CONFIG_SRC from FAI_CONFIGDIR, if 
FAI_CONFIG_SRC is not set.


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