Michael Biebl wrote:
> Do you also get the ButtonPressed = sleep|hibernate events if you use
>  the hal packages from unstable or only with my packages where I
> enabled the --enable-acpi-ibm configure switch?

I haven't tested the packages from unstable, although if it would be
useful to do so then let me know and I shall replace the hal I have
installed (your packages) with the unstable ones.

> I've dug into the code, and the real problem is within powersaved. It
> doesn't rely on hal for the button press events but reads from the 
> acpi socket directly. That's why any attempt to address the issue
> within hal has failed so far and why the button press events are not
> correctly mapped.
> Imho the only sane option is for powersaved, to use hal for button
> press events. I have forwarded this issue to the upstream developers
> and wait for their comments.

Ok cool, I guess it's just collateral damage now we're requiring HAL to
do all the heavy lifting.

If there's any more testing that needs to be done now or in the future
then please don't hesitate to let me know.

Sheridan Hutchinson

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