Hi again,

Never mind about testing anything, I know the answer.

The OOo file is "tagged PDF" (whatever that means), which was not supported by DVIPDFMx or (hence) xdvipdfmx until very recently. You'd get a warning about this if running xdvipdfmx without the -q option that xetex uses by default.

So the solution is to persuade OOo to refrain from writing tagged PDF, or update to TL2008; the xdvipdfmx there will support this (to the extent of ignoring the tagging but including the image anyway).


On 28 May 2008, at 4:09 pm, Norbert Preining wrote:

Hi Jonathan,

after including the patch2 into the Debian packages we got a bug report
which says that with the changes an included pdf file stopped being

To exclude any possible problems with the patching of xetex for poppler
we did in Debian I also tried the binary of xetex as currently in the
TeX Live subversion repository with the same result.

Jonathan, do you have any idea what could have happened?

A really minimal tex file is in the forwarded message below and the
location of the to be included pdf file is at the end of the message

Thanks a lot and all the best


On Mo, 26 Mai 2008, Michael Ritzert wrote:
Package: texlive-xetex
Version: 2007.dfsg.1-3+b1
Severity: important

When I try to include PDF graphics generated by OOo in my document
processed by xelatex, I get an output file where the space for the
graphic is reserved, but the graphic itself is not shown.

In this example, I get an empty rectangle of the correct size when
processing it with xelatex 2007.dfsg.1-3+b1. With 2007.dfst.1-2, the
included file is shown inside the rectangle.

I ONLY see this bahaviour when the PDF graphic has been generated by
OpenOffice.org. PDF graphics generated by epstopdf are correctly
displays in the output document.

(Note: I sometimes see messages stating that the included file generated by OOo "had errors that were repaired or ignored." This message does not
show up with the minmal PDF I'm using to reproduce the behaviour.)

minimal input file




Run xelatex x.tex.

other files

Any PDF generated by OpenOffice.org (oodraw) as test.pdf.
See http://sussrv01.ti.uni-mannheim.de/~ritzert/test.pdf if you don't
succeed in creating a file that fails to display.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- Dr. Norbert Preining <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Vienna University of Technology Debian Developer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Debian TeX Group gpg DSA: 0x09C5B094 fp: 14DF 2E6C 0307 BE6D AD76 A9C0 D2BF 4AA3 09C5 B094 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
Technical term for one of the lame excuses written in very small print
on the side of packets of food or washing powder to explain why
there's hardly anything inside. Examples include 'Contents may have
settled in transit' and 'To keep each biscuit fresh they have been
individually wrapped in silver paper and cellophane and separated with
corrugated lining, a cardboard flap, and heavy industrial tyres'.
                        --- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

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