On 28 May 2008, at 7:47 pm, Norbert Preining wrote:

On Mi, 28 Mai 2008, Jonathan Kew wrote:
(unless silenced) and ignoring the tags. I think this will let the
test case work OK (does for me, anyhow).

Did work, big thanks again. I will soon upload updated texlive packages
to Debian.

Probably a good idea to patch that into tl2007.2 tag

There isn't actually a 2007.2 tag yet, just the head of branch2007. I was holding off on tagging it to see if anything came up, with the intent that the tagged code in the repository should match as close as possible to what you're releasing.

I'll commit this to the branch in TL and then tag it, in the hope that we're really done with this now. :)


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