tag 491456 + unreproducible moreinfo

OoO Lors de  la soirée naissante du samedi 19  juillet 2008, vers 17:32,
System Administrator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait :

> $ LANG=en_us.UTF-8 unoconv -v -f odt philippe_bourcier.rtf
> Input file: philippe_bourcier.rtf
> unoconv: UnoException during conversion: URL seems to be an unsupported
> one.
> The provided document cannot be converted to the desired format.


Does this bug happens on any document or just on some of them?

Could you please add "raise"  on line 486 of /usr/bin/unoconv and "print
inputurl" between lines 449 and 450 to get more information? I have also
attached a patch that does the same thing.


--- unoconv~	2008-07-19 17:59:12.000000000 +0200
+++ unoconv	2008-07-19 17:59:25.000000000 +0200
@@ -447,6 +447,7 @@
             inputprops = ( PropertyValue( "Hidden" , 0 , True, 0 ), )
             inputurl = unohelper.absolutize(self.cwd, unohelper.systemPathToFileUrl(inputfn))
+            print inputurl
             doc = self.desktop.loadComponentFromURL( inputurl , "_blank", 0, inputprops )
             if not doc:
@@ -483,7 +484,7 @@
             error(0, "unoconv: UnoException during conversion: %s" % e.Message)
             error(0, "The provided document cannot be converted to the desired format.")
             exitcode = 1
+            raise
         except IOException, e:
             error(0, "unoconv: IOException during conversion: %s" % e.Message)
             error(0, "The provided document cannot be exported to %s." % outputfmt)
 Subject: (no subject)
 Lines: 2
 -+- AC in Guide du Généalogiste Ereinté - J'arrive à poster -+-

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