retitle 327505 btdownloadheadless won't run without a terminal
tags 327505 - moreinfo
tags 327505 + patch

As Yitzhak Grossman mentioned, redirecting stdout and stderr does not
solve the problem. It is the fact that there is no terminal that causes
the problem -> title change.

My cron entry:
* *    1 1 *  /usr/bin/btdownloadheadless my.torrent >& /dev/null
see also
-> remove tag moreinfo

My patch wipes out all the ncurses stuff, however. This makes sense for
the headless client
-> add tag patch
--- /usr/bin/btdownloadheadless.bittornado.orig	2006-10-31 02:02:07.000000000 +0100
+++ /usr/bin/btdownloadheadless.bittornado	2008-08-01 14:25:07.000000000 +0200
@@ -137,14 +137,6 @@
         self.downloadTo = path
 def run(params):
-    try:
-        import curses
-        curses.initscr()
-        cols = curses.COLS
-        curses.endwin()
-    except:
-        cols = 80
     h = HeadlessDisplayer()
     while 1:
         configdir = ConfigDir('downloadheadless')

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