On Thu, Oct 02, 2008 at 09:54:33AM +0200, Tim Dijkstra wrote:
> First of all, if you know what command-line arguments you need to suspend
> you can use those with --force. If you use hal (via gnome-power-manager)
> you can create a .fdi file that will by-pass the white-list.

This is no scalable solution.

> > Do you have a number which amount of machines have problems?
> The number of machines that didn't came up by itself always used to be
> much bigger than the number that did.

linux-acpi is the responsible list for most of the problems. There is a
standard interface for that.

> The reasoning always was: better safe than sorry. Let users first figure
> out what is safe consciously, before trying to suspend without knowing
> resume will succeed (and risking data-loss).

Okay, then I insist that uswsusp is not installed along any Debian
provided kernels and will enforce that with a conflict because it breaks
suspend for many machines.


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