On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 10:28:07PM +0000, Jonny Lamb wrote:

Just installed empathy on Debian lenny (fresh install) and tried to start it. It didn't exit, but didn't show any UI whatsoever either. Used empathy-accounts to add and enable a Salut account; didn't make any difference.
empathy defaults to its UI being "hidden" on first run.
Interesting. The document I've mentioned suggests otherwise.

As you're using ion3, I'm going to guess you don't have a status bar,
Well, I do have one and at least KDE apps seem to be able to use it.

A workaround for this is to execute empathy again once you've already
started it -- the new instance will find the existing instance, pop up
its UI, and thenexit.
Thanks for the hint, that did the trick. Running the same program (that's using some global resource) twice is usually asking for trouble so I didn't think of trying that. Changing from "Offline" to "Available" doesn't work (it just stays at Offline - only salut account configured). Should I file a separate bug about that?

I'm tempted to close this bug as invalid because empathy really is
designed for the GNOME desktop, although it is very usable anywhere with
a status bar (I run awesome, and I know another who uses xmonad with
While I do see your point, IMO it should depend on Gnome (or rather the relevant parts) if it doesn't work without it. I'm running konqueror and korganizer standalone as well and they do work as expected.

PS: Thanks both for your time and your fast response.

CU Sascha


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