Hi Onkar,

how are you? How is the process so far? :)

On Thursday 19 March 2009, Onkar Shinde wrote:
> So the conclusion is that for Jmeter to enter in Debian:
> 1. libcommons-jexl-java needs to be updated
> 2. jcharts needs to be ported from Ubuntu.
> 3. logkit needs to be updated (actually excalibur-logkit needs to be
> packaged so we don't affect rdepends of logkit.)
> 4. excalibur-logger needs to be packaged.
> That is lot of work. :-)

Looking a bit around indicates that you completed the first two steps.

Is there some more process within Ubuntu or do you just want the packages 
first integrated into Debian?

Thanks and with kind regards, Jan.
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