On sam., 2009-11-21 at 19:37 -0500, John Lindgren wrote:
> I did some debugging on this.  In short, Thunar does not handle
> multiple
> MIME types being specified for the same file extension.  For a given
> extension, Thunar seems to use whatever MIME type is listed last
> in /usr/share/mime/globs.  Relevant code is at
> thunar-vfs-mime-legacy.c:660 (Thunar 1.0.1).
> There may be extensions which can legitimately be used for more than
> one
> MIME type, I don't know.  But in this case, I think the problem is
> with
> the MIME database, not Thunar.  That is, .ogg should always be
> audio/ogg, and .doc should always be application/msword.  Correct me
> if
> I'm wrong.

I'm not so sure about that. Extensions are the vintage windows way to
determine the mime type, but not really the only one nor the more
reliable. ogg is a good example, because it can be ogg vorbis, ogg
theora or ogg speex. Speex and Vorbis are both audio codecs so it
doesn't really matter (though I'm not sure you really want to play speex
files with rhythmbox or quodlibet), but Theora are video files which
have no point being played in an audio player. There are other
extensions (like, ogv/ogt/ogs I think, though I'm not that sure) but ogg
is still the generic one.

I really think we shouldn't limit ourself to the extension for the
mimetype, so that means we should be able to accept multiple extensions
for those files.

(so that means the bug is indeed in Thunar, damn! :)


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