Michael Biebl wrote:
> Josh Triplett wrote:
>> A bug *does* exist here: on_ac_power from pm-utils has functionality
>> that on_ac_power from powermgmt-base does not, namely the ability to
>> check with hal (and now devicekit-disks).  on_ac_power from
>> powermgmt-base ought to incorporate that functionality.
> That's an implementation detail. As long as the interface (i.e. RETURN codes)
> matches and the results are correct, I don't see a reason why on_ac_power from
> powermgmt-base should be changed.
> In the end, dk-power does the same after all, i.e. read the value from /sys

That said, if there is a case where on_ac_power from pm-utils reports the
correct value and on_ac_power from powermgmt-base doesn't (or the other way
around), then I would agree that there is a bug.
As long as no such case is reported, I don't consider this to be an issue.

Hope that clears things a little.

FWIW, I'll drop 03-on_ac_power-devkit-power.patch in the next upload as it seems
to have caused confusion.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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