tag 485855 - patch

On Thu, 12 Jun 2008 11:57:46 +0200 Ricardo Mones wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 11:00 PM, Francesco Poli
> <f...@firenze.linux.it> wrote:
> > Still present in sylpheed/2.5.0~beta3-1 ...
> And probably still in the current rc2, haven's seen any mention about
> this in the Changelog.
> > Again, can this bug be forwarded to upstream?
> Sure, though I believe I will send it to the mailing list, there's no
> bug tracking facility upstream, and sending it to the author only has
> performed poorly to me in the past.

Hi again,
I noticed that Darren Salt sent a patch for this bug (thanks a lot,

I tested the patch (by applying it to sylpheed/3.0.0~beta4-1): it does
compile, but it does *not* fix the bug.

Actually, running sylpheed inside a debugger showed me that function
qp_encode_line is called on the entire message body, not on single
message body lines: hence the comparison with "From " should be made
inside the while loop at the beginning of each new line.

I'll see if I find the time to prepare a patch that attempts to really
fix the bug.

In the meanwhile, Ricardo, did you succeed in forwarding the bug
upstream?  Has the upstream author already prepared a fix?

Please let me know: if upstream has already prepared a fix, I would
like to avoid wasting my time in redoing what has already been done


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..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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