On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 9:11 PM, Ben Finney
> wrote:

> On 04-Jan-2010, yellowprotoss wrote:
> > Screen was running on a distant pc.
> I am not sure what this means. I assume you mean that you have done
> the following steps:
> * Connect to a remote machine using an SSH session.
> * Start a new Screen session.
> > I doing some operations. Several times, I noticed that if my hp mini
> > crashes, while working on this distant pc. My session screen is
> > still running, there, adn working, but but... . it remains attached.
> The Screen session will remain attached until explicitly detached, or
> until the display is no longer detected.
> I suspect what you are experiencing is that the SSH session has not
> yet timed out, so the SSH server has not reported the close of the
> SSH session.
> exactly, the pc just crashed (because I had no power anymore in my laptop
Apparently my testdisk session didnt like , under screen, didnt like it.
I cannot wipe off the session since it is important work.

> Can you confirm that? How long does the Screen session remain
> attached after losing the SSH client?
I made a file with the screen -ls but I lost it :(
it was displaying all my screen user sessions with DEAD? mention. :(
no way to restrore them with screen -r or not straigthforward :(

> > It is working when I shutdown my pc: the distant pc screen moves the
> > attached status to detached status, luckily.
> If my explanation is true, this behaviour would be because the SSH
> session is explicitly closed so the remote end is notified, and
> therefore Screen can correctly detach the display.
the problem is that a pc crash is not willingly done, and I neve rknow when
it can occur (debian is stable although but one never know) and my screen
(via ssh distant) is attached.

thank you anyhow for your interest in progressing with screen.

this issue is rather major because screen should detect when ssh is gone for
reasons such as crashes. maybe there is soem tricks such as checking the ps
aux or /proc ... i am not expert in linux.

We keep in touch for this issue. If you want I can beta-testing some tar.gz
to help you.

Best regards

> > This is particularly tricky and not good for testdisk, or long long
> > long operations.
> >
> > Screen remains unstable for that :( I wish it would be 100pct stable
> > for long operations on servers, whatever clients do in terms of cold
> > reset, crashes,....
> What would you expect Screen to do differently in this case?
> You can start ‘screen(1)’ with the ‘-d’ or ‘-D’ option, to request an
> existing session be detached first before attempting to attach; please
> read the manual page for exactly what they do. Does that help?
> --
>  \       “Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?” “Well, I think |
>  `\     so, Brain, but do I really need two tongues?” —_Pinky and The |
> _o__)                                                           Brain_ |
> Ben Finney <b...@benfinney.id.au>
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
> iEYEAREIAAYFAktCS28ACgkQIiYF7H0aG3nT7wCeLqE/nhV94MU9Wid2vmk6Lfl3
> hBAAoOI1GadMulLn0UCtCZTnOG2fOlJx
> =6sDt

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