On Fri, 2010-08-06 at 09:08 -0700, Rodrigo Gallardo wrote:
> I agree with your assesment, please go ahead.
> Luke, I think you were interested in this package. If you have the
> time to take over its upstream let me know and we can work on updating
> it so it can go back into testing.
> Otherwise, I think we should actually go all the way and ask for it to
> be removed from the archive. 

I would like to see Twitux stay around, but given the number of issues
it has, I would be for removing it from Squeeze before it releases, but
keeping it in unstable.  I don't have a ton of time at the moment, but
my schedule will be opening up at which point I will be able to take
care of it.

So my vote is pull it out of squeeze given the large amount of needed
changes, and see if we can get it back in by the next release.

But I will look into the OAuth issue and see if I can't get something
together that will keep Twitux in squeeze.

Luke Cycon <lcy...@gmail.com>

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