On Wed, Apr 06, 2011 at 09:24:21AM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:
> Well, I added /run and this is what happened:
> http://bugs.debian.org/621036
> Apparently, "it was stupid for base-files to ship /run without it
> being useable", and the bug is reassigned to base-files.
> Does this mean I am supposed to setup /run as well?

Not at all.  base-files was only intended to create /run as an
empty directory.

> Please advise what to do. I am for removing /run from base-files
> (because obviosuly nobody thought about a transition plan) and leaving
> it entirely to initscripts or whatever package that will use /run.

We /have/ thought through a transition plan.  It's been discussed on
debian-devel and #debian-devel over the last week.

The plan is that initscripts will set up a working /run (tmpfs) on boot
and on package upgrade.
Packages wanting to transition to use /run will have a versioned
depends upon /run, which will ensure that it is both present *and*

udev decided to start using /run before this was completed, and without
a versioned dependency.  I have filed a bug against udev about this

IMO the best action for base-files is to do nothing.  This is a bug in
udev, and udev will need to be fixed to do the transition properly like
all the other packages which will be transitioning to /run.  I am
planning on writing a detailed plan for the transition to
debian-devel-announce detailing how this will work, but udev jumped the
gun and started using it before we had got all the uploads done.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
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