On Apr 16, rleigh <rle...@codelibre.net> wrote:

> > Maybe your initramfs was not rebuilt to include the code which
> > mounts /run?
> Why would that be required?  /run is mounted by mountkernfs,
> before udevd is started.
Because if /run in the initramfs does not exist or is not a tmpfs then
/dev/.udev/ will be used instead.
This will break some LVM features, but is not supposed to break anything

> Well, it would probably be best if you could install the updated
> sysvinit package yourself and find out, since you're the udev
Not right now.

> But as said repeatedly, you simply *can* *not* use /run without
> a versioned dependency on initscripts.  This is because there is
> a window between initscripts being unpacked (/run created) and
> being configured (/run gets a tmpfs mounted).  Without the versioned
> dependency, you could find yourself using it when it's not actually
> usable, which will cause breakage.  This is a hard requirement, you
> can't avoid it and not cause breakage.
Actually I think I did: in this scenario /run/udev/ will NOT be used
because /run is not a tmpfs.

> While it might be good to have /run mounted by the initramfs, udev
> should not break if it is not mounted at that point, which is the
> case right now.
It is not supposed to.


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