The loop for 'str2rlimit' iterates 'RLIM_NLIMITS' times where I
'RLIM_NLIMITS' is taken from '/usr/include/bits/resource.h' which is
included in '/usr/include/sys/resource.h'.  The value is '15':

      __RLIMIT_NLIMITS = 15,

However that value doesn't match the value 16, which is defined in 
'< kernel source >/include/asm-generic/resource.h', which 
has the 'boot-time rlimit defaults for the init task'.
The result is the comparison is never done for the last
entry in the array (RLIMIT_RTTIME).  

I'm not sure which component/package needs fixing, 'libc6-dev'
(which owns /usr/include/bits/resource.h) to match this patch,
or this patch to match the kernel's definition of RLIM_NLIMITS.
It seems from the raison d'etre of the patch that the latter 
should be done sooner.

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