On Die, 05 Jun 2007, John Goerzen wrote:
> # dpkg -s texlive-latex-base | grep -i status
> Status: install ok unpacked
> It is not configured because of this problem.
> There is no /etc/texmf/fmt.d/10texlive-latex-base.cnf on this system:
> # ls /etc/texmf/fmt.d
> 00tex.cnf                    10texlive-latex-base.cnf.dpkg-new
> 01tetex.cnf.obsolete         40jadetex.cnf
> 10texlive-base-bin.cnf       40jadetex.cnf.dpkg-old
> 10texlive-base.cnf.dpkg-new  50cyrtexinfo.cnf

But why is texlive-latex-base not configured AND jadetex.postinst is
run??? THis is out of my understanding?

jadetex depends on texlive-latex-base, so texlive-latex-base should be
configured when jadetex is going to be configured???

Frank, do you understand this?

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                         Debian TeX Group
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