
Alle venerdì 30 novembre 2012, Michael Stapelberg ha scritto:
> Rainer Dorsch <rdor...@web.de> wrote:
> > whatever CD I try to play with kscd player, it does not play
> > anything. Since vlc can play all track, audex can rip them, I think
> > it is a problem with kscd. kscd can still read out the track list.
> > Since I am not aware that I have any special setup, there is a
> > fair chance that the bug affects everybody and makes the package
> > completely unusable. If that is not the case, please downgrade the
> > bug.
> I can reproduce this: when just clicking on the play button in kscd,
> it immediately segfaults.

Well, this seems a different issue ("does nothing" vs "click and 
crashes") than the reported one...

> After setting the environment variable KDE_DEBUG=1 and ulimit -c
> unlimited, I get a core dump:
> gdb $ thread apply all bt
> [...]
> Hopefully that helps to further debug this problem.

Unfortunately it not not useful, since kscd is a "unique instance" 
application which forks right after the start, so the trace of the 
parent process is not useful.
However, you can get a better one (and try to debug kscd) just by 
running kscd as
$ kscd --nofork
also, installing kdemultimedia-dbg will help providing a more useful 
stack trace.

Also, you could please paste the output of
$ dpkg -l | grep phonon

Pino Toscano

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