
Alle venerdì 30 novembre 2012, Michael Stapelberg ha scritto:
> Pino Toscano <p...@debian.org> writes:
> > Interesting; possibly it won't change much, but what if (without
> > the symlink you just created) you install phonon-backend-vlc, make
> > it the default in `kcmshell4 phonon` and try again?
> I did that, and it leads to the same result (music not playing).

Hm ok, thanks for the test anyway.

> I have noticed that I have a lot of CD-ROM drives in
> /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-cd.rules due to various hardware
> being connected to my computer over time (such as UMTS modems which
> bring their driver by emulating a CD-ROM drive). The first one is
> /dev/cdrom, the second one cdrom1 and so on. Currently, the symlink
> which gets created is /dev/cdrom5.
> I am not sure whether kscd or some other component of the kde
> multimedia stack is supposed to look for /dev/cdrom* instead of
> /dev/cdrom or what is the best way of figuring out where to look.
> After googling a bit, I stumbled upon this bug report at RedHat,
> which concludes that 70-persistent-cd.rules should just be deleted
> by the sysadmin:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=570561

I don't have experience with udev and its rules, so I cannot comment 
about this, sorry.

> Tackling this issue from a different angle: What happens when I have
> two optical drives? How will kscd chose which one it uses? Will it
> always use /dev/cdrom?

According to the code, it basically always chooses the first, and the 
possibility to switch drive has never been implemented...

In any case, kscd basically queries the Solid library which in the end 
asks udisks about the supported drives; you can find out what is 
detected with
$ solid-hardware query "IS OpticalDrive"
and then you can get the details of the found devices with
$ solid-hardware details /org/...

Pino Toscano

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